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E is for Enough

By Rebecca Waddell


Yes, you've probably seen this picture before. I have used it before. Once wasn't enough.

Raise your hand if you just don't feel like you're enough sometimes. Oh, good, you're being honest and I am too.

Do you believe me when I tell you that you're enough even when you don't feel like it?

All around me people are starting to get out there in their spring cleaning and pushing to get outdoors and move all of their projects forward.

I'm sitting still.

These blog posts are my first writing post surgery. It's enough. I have book ideas I want to pursue, but I'm not ready. And still, I am enough. I can't clean, and someone else is doing my work at work and at home. Someone else is doing all that I usually do in almost every place that is usually mine to fill. There are times I feel like a huge burden and wish I was just better by now so I can do what I'm supposed to be doing rather than being a big old lump under a blanket on the couch. Well, I can't clean. I'm not in a place where I can do much yet. It'll all come, but this recovery is slow.

I even feel worthless some of the time. See, I said I was going to be honest.

All through all of that, there is a voice that whispers and sometimes screams at me from the inside of my own heart. That voice tells me that I'm enough. I'm enough whether I can do all the things I usually do or when I need to be a lump on the couch. It doesn't change the fact that I AM ENOUGH. I am actually more than enough. I carry value that is just mine. I have an impact on this world to make that is just mine. I am so loved by the Creator of all of the things we can see and explain and understand and all of the things that we cannot possibly begin to imagine that He takes the time to spend every moment and every breath with me telling me over and over and over again who He made me to be.

Do you know that you are just as equally loved and cherished.

You are enough. Not one thing can change that. Go ahead and try to think of the worst thing you have ever done. I have two things to tell you:

!) You are loved beyond that thing you just thought of.

2) Because you and me, we are ENOUGH

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