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NaNoWriMo - No Time, No Words

By Rebecca Waddell

A huge theme in the nano world now is not enough time to get enough words to finish. Well, if that's you, I have exactly two things to say about that:

1) Yes, there is enough time. You can still make it even if you haven't started. It's totally possible.

2) Is it worth your health? It's possible to write all the words and succeed. What your book will look like and your life are up for debate. So, if you write fast and are close, if it works without you losing your sanity, your family, your job, or your health, go for it! Get the words.

But, if you are not there, and the push is way too much, do not sacrifice you for words you will end up editing a lot in a while. The goal is amazing, and there are no contractions in this post because I am counting every word here, but you are worth more than a goal. And so is your book.

Here is the honest truth, I have over forty thousand words, and I am not sure I will make it this year. I ran myself ragged trying hard to be and do everything and I got sick. My couch has been a wonderful place to enjoy Harry Potter Weekend for the last three days.

So, do not do what I have done and lose your sense of reasonable expectations. I thought if I finished one book I could launch right into my "real" nano project and just keep trucking. Except, there's that pesky thing called rest and a break I always need between book. It doesn't matter if I am working on several projects at once, when one asserts itself to the exclusion of others, my mind needs to clear before I can write another.

I ignored that, lied to myself everything was fine and push on. I will drop in here parent teacher conferences for my kids, regular life, and time with my husband. Oh, and work... right. The usual stresses. It should come as no surprise that I ignored friends mentioning breaks being good and necessary. Never mind that look on my husband's face when I turn into crazy writer lady. Which is basically at the end of every book that consumes my mind (not all of my books do that, but the ones that do are awesome).

So, wherever you are with nano, you are already a winner. If you finish, amazing work. If you do not, you have also done amazing work. Whatever you do, get out the other side with your health. It is not worth sacrificing you just to get the badge.

Breaks are important.

Breaks are necessary.

Take a break if you need it.

Or else the break will take you.

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© 2016 Rebecca Waddell

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