I’m sick and tired of how horrible
Those of us called to love
Have been behaving
Like it’s our place to
Pass judgment on the world
We did not create
Only the God we say we follow
Is the One fit to judge
All of His diverse creation
This place we call Earth
Check your comments
Fellow Christians
If you profess God has saved you
How can you post that stuff
How can you use the Lord’s name
And say horrible things
To others who you are
Commanded to love
Without condition
If you know the same God I know
You are so deeply loved
Not a cleaned up version of you
But you right now
You just as you are.
Don’t take Jesus’ name in vain
Don’t claim to know Him
And tell others horrible things
About how bad they are
Because no one is better
Nor worse than the other
We’re all created people
With a place and a purpose
With a life that matters
Called to love each other
Just as we are without condition
The way the Creator loves us.