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  • Rebecca Waddell

NaNoWriMo Home Stretch - Celebrate Wherever You Are

Well, it's the last few days of November and the end of another Nano season. Whether you got the number of words needed for the win or not, you are a winner for having started a new book or for not doing this at all and taking a break. No matter where you are at the end of this November, you are amazing and the world is better because you are part of it.

In case you've been following my trek through this year's nano, that picture up there is the chocolate frog I ate in celebration for reaching the nano goal. It hasn't been as hard in the past as it was this year. For so many reasons, I'm surprised I made it.

I'm going to say it again, wherever you are with nano, with life, you take care of you. Because, you matter a whole lot and you know best how you are doing. Take time to celebrate victories, mourn hurts, tale breaks to be just plain silly, and to rest. Most of all, remember that you are so loved. And that is bigger than anything else.

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