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Got What I Wanted

By Rebecca Waddell

If you're breathing, I think you'll agree that the holidays are often crazy. Be they good, bad, stressful, or festive, no matter which one you celebrate or how your traditions flow, crazy is a good way to describe what happens.

It is at my house, which we only spend a little time at during the holidays. With both sides of the family living close by, We have a solid tradition that involves three rounds of chaos and food, but most importantly, being together.

There is often a fourth round that involves friends who are like family. In fact, as much as possible, I try to stretch these other times out and spread them around. The simple fact is I love my family. I also love the family that I didn't get from birth or marriage. I'm speaking of the friends who know all of me and all of who I am and still want to spend time with me. There are so many times I think they should get their heads examined because they must be nuts, but that's just me being insecure.

The truth is, I'm blessed to have friends so close they are family. The family that has chosen to go through life with me. They are the kind of present that is exactly what I wanted.

Season's Greetings from me and my family, related and not.

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© 2016 Rebecca Waddell

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