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Breathing With God

Rebecca Waddell

Happy Easter!

He is Risen!

He is Risen indeed!!

When a baby is born, everyone waits for that first cry so signify their first breath. After that breathing is pretty much a given most people don’t have to think about. Your body just takes care of it. maybe when you’ve gotten sick or run and gotten winded, you got a reminder that your lungs are there.

Or maybe you are like me and have asthma. If so, then you know breathing doesn’t always just happen. Sometimes they lock up like old school breaks and stop just letting air in. It’s not too bad if I catch it early. But sometimes it means a trip to the hospital. For some people it’s fatal.

Right now, the world faces a global crisi where breathing is the very thing many in our world are struggling to do. Some are choking on lack of freedom from quarantine. Others are literally struggling just to get enough air to stay alive.

Me, I’m struggling with a cough that just takes my breath away sometimes. I’m okay, though I’m really not. When it gets hard to breathe, I’m focusing my thoughts in silent prayer for air to come in and out. I’m legit breathing with God.

What a perfect image to breathe with God. Not just the stressed breaths, but also the automatic ones. Every step, every day, every breath with God. This Easter, we celebrate remembering Jesus return to life after death. This new life is not ruled by illness or limited by breathing. It is not destined to end in death. Not at all. It is life without end, without limit, without death.

let this Easter take you and me forward, breathing each breath with God.

He is risen.


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