I doubt you can see more than our guest speaker, Jamie Pappas. If you look super close, you might see the word love on the house behind him. Sitting in parking lot church, my ears are feeding my brain stories from the first century about acts of mercy while my eyes feed the word love in.
Between crossword puzzles for history class with my 8th grader and her math work, it all just kinda clicked:
Can we get more of this, please?
Look outside at the huge division:
Maskers vs. No maskers
political vs. Apolitical
conservative vs republican
Niner fans Vs Seahawk fans
Yes, I threw that last one in to lighten the mood. But stop, look around. See people. Not enemies. I have a call to move now, and I’m sharing it with you. Take what you see and what you hear and let your brain put it together. Then, add love and mercy, and MOVE in love and mercy. Don’t look for reasons to be offended. You will find them.
They are EVERYWHERE!!! Look for folks who need you to move toward them with love and mercy. Then move. Whatever that means to you, whatever that looks like to you. Go and move.