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Fatigue... So much more than TIRED

Rebecca Waddell

I just finished radiation treatment last week and now I'm recovering from cancer treatment. WOOHOO! I'm a survivor now.

Yes, let's just celebrate that for a second.

Okay, now let's talk about how I used to just do laundry and not feel shaky from moving it between machines. Not right now though. Right this very second, I'm sitting on my couch typing and my hands are shaky. I switched over one load of laundry. Right now, I need about an hour of rest before I think about attempting another chore. An hour is a huge improvement on last week.

I feel hugely accomplished by getting as much done as I already have today. I couldn't do it last week. I couldn't do it a few days ago. A lot of people live daily with this fatigue and exhaustion that I am visiting as I go through this cancer journey. I have nothing but respect for everyone who deals with this level of extreme enervation as your daily normal. I don't have any idea how you accomplish all the things you do when you have to fight for every ounce of every scrap of energy. Mad props to everyone living like this all the time.

Fatigue is a massive problem.

It's more than just being tired. It feels like being flattened by a steamroller until I'm reduced from three dimensions into two. After which I'm required to interact with the three dimensional world.

The thing I know is that I will recover from this time of fatigue, but not everyone will. For everyone who lives with this as your continual reality, I just want to say I see you. You're not alone. I've had a glimpse of your struggle and you have my utmost respect for everything you do.

I would love to make this blog post longer, but I'm losing my train of thought and ability to concentrate, so I'll just end here and post this. :)

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