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I’d Die For You, BUT ______

Rebecca Waddell

So, yeah, that’s my title for a Palm Sunday Post.

Having lived a year in quarantine world, how many can fill in the rest of my title with “but I don’t want to get locked in this house with you.” Or the exact opposite: “but, I’d rather be locked in this house with you.”

I‘d rather be quarantined with my husband than give up my life for him. I’d do either without a second thought. In fact, I’d never have made it this far into this really long crisis without him.

Now the Palm Sunday part

Jesus ate dinner with His crew, okay, his disciples, and created the tradition we now call communion. He started by washing their feet. It’s a servant’s job. It’s a dirty job back in that day where there were no socks and bathing was not a regular thing. I’m saying it was gross guys. It was humble. And He was God the whole time.

And He knew Judas was going to give Him up to the authorities.

And He knew He was about to die.

And He knew it was His last dinner with everyone in tact.

Still, He sat down with His closest friends knowing the guy who was about to betray Him was there. He shared His last meal with them. He acted like a slave and honored those who walked with them. He spent His last meal with His whole crew before He was arrested and beaten and hung up to die in a torturous way until the last of His life was spent.

He gave up that life for me and for you.

I’ll live every breath for the God who can take the place of a slave and wash the feet of those He walked the Earth with. Even the one who ratted Him out to get arrested. He died. He gave up His life. And didn’t stay dead.

He rose from the grave.

When I walk through my house in quarentine or not, Jesus walks with me.

So, let’s get back to my title: I’d die for you, but.....

Jesus already did.

You can take it or leave it.

You can fill in the sentence your own way or accept His. It’s your choice completely.

I’ll say it one more time:


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